

2009-2010 Season

Christmas with the Choral Society

Building on a time-honored tradition, the Des Moines Choral Society was thrilled to herald in the holiday with the seasonal favorite, Christmas with the Choral Society! Performed at St. Ambrose Cathedral in conjunction with the Diocese of Des Moines Centennial Celebration, this concert reflected an evening of lessons and carols, with works by Handel, Mozart and other noted composers. As always, the audience was invited to join us in singing a cherished Christmas carol or two. [top]

Timeless Masterworks: J.S. Bach - Mass in B minor

Johann Sebastian Bach assembled what many believe to be the greatest composition in western music, the Mass in B Minor. Set against the lovely backdrop of St. Mark Lutheran Church, the Des Moines Choral Society, chamber orchestra, and soloists performed major portions of this time-honored masterwork: the Kyrie, the Gloria, and the Agnus Dei.. [top]


Songs of the Spirit: Celebrating 30 years of singing

We celebrated our 30th anniversary with the singing of American spirituals and hymns. Held at St. Ambrose Cathedral, this uplifting concert put a smile on our face and a song in our heart as we celebrated our community and heritage. The performance was followed by a special 30th anniversary reception. [top]